
Showing posts from October, 2023

“We want more diversity in recreational sports clubs

Highlights • Resistance to diversity by those in positions of leadership is one reason why change has been slow in coming. • We identify six discursive practices that club leaders draw on to resist diversity. • Resistance emerges from a confluence of discourses that enable noncompliance. • Suggestions for future research, policy, and practice are provided. Abstract Participation in sport is highly valued by governments and policy makers. Policies and programs encourage participation of populations who are underrepresented in sport. In many countries sport participation is possible primarily under the auspices of voluntary sports clubs, many of which name demographic diversity as an organizational value. Underrepresented  population groups  continue to lag, however, in participating in sports clubs. Change has been slow in coming. Relatively little research focuses on resistance by those in positions of leadership to the entry or involvement of underrepresented or marginaliz

Tourism on

Tourism effects on physical and mental health 

Routez Shelf articles


Spiriton Self Defence Program

 Spiriton self Defense program created to enhance the martial aspect of